Kimberly-Clark wanted ideas for completely new product lines...
DuPont wanted advanced creative thinking techniques for its Creativity Network...
AARP, The Hartford, United Healthcare, and Seabury & Smith wanted to develop a joint strategy for AARP's Health Care Options program...
Henkel Corporation wanted to enhance the decision making skills of its U.S. Research & Development division...
McNeil Consumer and Specialty Pharmaceuticals wanted design and process leadership for new high-impact innovation teams...
Methacton School Board of Directors wanted facilitation of its decision making for a major school construction project...
Invent America! wanted its teacher/coaches to have techniques for
conceptualizing and developing new inventions...
Blue Cross/Blue Shield wanted to develop a vision and goals for its HMO of Delaware...
The Radnor School District wanted to design
a K-through-12 comprehensive thinking skills program...
Women Against Abuse wanted to develop the teamwork and vision of its Board of Directors...
Selected Other Clientele
AARP Health Care Options
Academy of Principals, Singapore
Advanta Corporation
Anglo Platinum, South Africa
Benjamin Obdyke, Inc.
Bilcare Global Clinical Supplies
Creative Resources Group
Department of Water Affairs and
Forestry, South Africa
Directorate of Special Operations,
South African Ministry of Justice
Global Clinical Supplies Group
The Hartford
Howe School Alliance for Technology
Management (Stevens Inst. of Tech.)
Infineum International, Ltd.
International Television Association
Insurance Services Office (ISO)
Lehigh University Human Relations
Navmar Applied Science Corporation
Raffles Institute, Singapore
Rich Foods, Inc.
Rohm and Haas Company
U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs
Washington Group International